More and more fair sex people want to know how to enlarge breasts with iodine. This method is cheap, relatively simple, but quite dangerous. How to enlarge breasts with iodine, you can consult your doctor, because there are certain contraindications when using this remedy. It all depends on the natural data of the girl, since it is rare for a woman to exercise or other methods to increase the volume of the mammary glands without changing the remaining proportions of the body.
How to use medicine with this method
Iodine breast augmentation occurs due to increased blood circulation (at least in theory) in the chest area when an iodized alcohol solution is applied to the skin. Many women do this themselves at home, because the procedure itself is quite simple: an iodine mesh is applied to the breast. Is it possible to enlarge breasts with iodine? Official medicine does not recognize the effectiveness of using this substance to increase breast size, but also cannot deny the fact of the successful use of this drug. Traditional medicine believes that breast augmentation with iodine is quite possible, but certain rules must be followed. The size of the bust can be increased, as a rule, to 1-2 figures. This is not due to a change in the size of the mammary glands, but to an increase in the mass of the muscles in the chest.
Iodine for breast augmentation can be purchased in any pharmacy. It is sold as an alcohol solution, which should be used for the procedure.
How to apply grid?
Iodine breast enlargement method is very simple but everything must be done carefully and correctly. The technology to do it is as follows:
- First, the girl has to take a bath. The milk bag area must be washed. You should use a special cleansing lotion or other similar products for this.
- Then, massage the entire surface of the bust.
- At the pharmacy, you need to pre-purchase a vial and a cotton swab.
- On the bust you need to draw stripes with iodine, which should not touch the nipple area. It can look like a breast lift or a spiral that tapers towards the center. The main thing is that the lines be as continuous and regular as possible.
- After that, you need to wait until the ointment dries. During the procedure, it is necessary to purchase and wear after-workout underwear made of natural breathable fabric to support the breasts well, but not too tight.
- It must be remembered that the iodine grid should consist of vertical or horizontal lines that do not intersect anywhere. The distance between these segments should be more than 0. 5 cm.
Women who have tried this technique claim to be able to increase breast size by 1 in 30 to 90 days. The first results with regular courses of treatment appear after 3-4 weeks, but for most girls the effect of using this method will appear after 2-3 months.
Care must be taken so that the medicine does not accidentally get on the nipple, as this can cause quite painful burns. Women should understand that the problem is not how to enlarge their breasts but the correct application of the recommended procedure. Many girls, wanting to speed up the process, increased the dosage of the drug and ended up being hospitalized due to severe burns. It is impossible to cover the mammary glands with a continuous layer, which can lead to negative consequences. Thus, a mesh or a spiral is created.
Contraindications for this procedure
Iodine breast augmentation is gradual. Therefore, one application of the substance to the skin is carried out every 24 hours. Since this substance is a drug, it also has contraindications.
If during the application of the net, the same sex partner feels feverish and the temperature rises, the session should be stopped urgently. To avoid the appearance of burns on the skin, it is not allowed to cross the iodine lines. The next layer is not applied on top of the previous one, but slightly to the side. To do this, you need to step back at least 5 mm from where the previous line was drawn.

It is forbidden to use iodine to increase breasts in girls at risk of developing cancerous tumors on the mammary glands. Therefore, any woman who wants to use the described method of breast enlargement should be checked by a breast specialist for cancer or malignancy.
If a girl lives in an area of iodine deficiency in the human body, then it is better for her not to use the described procedure, since the substance will be absorbed into the skin simply by the body's lack of it.
If used too often, mesh can cause skin burns, sternum disease, thyroid disease. In many cases, an overdose occurs, a disease such as iodine disease appears. The disease can also manifest itself with individual intolerance to the drug. During this illness, the respiratory tract is damaged and leads to coughing. Irritation spreads to eyes, reducing vision. On the patient's body developed sores and blisters, similar to the symptoms that appear with erysipelas on the skin.
It is forbidden to apply any procedure with drugs that are indicated for pregnant women, as this can lead to very serious negative results due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

Doctors recommend that you only apply mesh to your chest when you have a cold for a short time.
The use of the drug can trigger cancer in some people who have a more equal sex relationship. Then, instead of breast augmentation, they may remain without mammary glands. In the simplest cases, they can experience severe skin burns or dry chest skin. And this will lead to the appearance of unpleasant feelings due to the deterioration of a woman's appearance.
Conclusion on the topic
There is no need to look for a universal remedy in the proposed breast augmentation. Some girls can increase their bust by 1-2 sizes, but most of these methods don't help. Consequences of improper use of alcohol can cause unpredictable consequences, which in many cases cannot be overcome.